what’s the no. 1 fear?
The number one fear or hurdle that the women I coach talk about is the fear of judgement that others will have around their decision to use donor eggs to create their family.
This fear is often so strong that they keep their story private and then struggle with worries of how they'll navigate being transparent with their children when they can't be transparent with their friends and family.
These women are conscious women who want to embrace transparency with their future child about their conception story and yet the stigma surrounding this form of assisted reproduction is so strong that they can't break free from the feelings of shame and secrecy just yet.
This is where I see my work as so very important.
So very important to work alongside these women and little by little help them to feel more confident about their choices and journey.
Help to process difficult emotions, the grief and the overwhelm, and shift from a place of shame to a place of pride and pure celebration of themselves, their story and their beloved future child.
This process takes a bit of time.
However, with talking, sharing, acknowledging and reflecting on all the fears, hidden shame and secrecy a shift happens.
This shift from secrecy and shame about their journey to a place of pride and celebration makes such a huge difference not only to those experiencing the journey but profoundly to the future child who can then only ever sense that feeling of pride and celebration of what a loved, wanted and celebrated child they are in this world.