research exploring egg donors’ decisions and experiences with egg donation.

I've been crushing on some amazing podcasts out there such as @threemakesbaby

There's a great interview with Dr Tober.

She's been conducting research exploring egg donors’ decisions and experiences within the global market for egg donation.

I urge you to check out her website for more info.

There are so many unknowns in the world of egg donation.

Legislation differs world wide and doesn't always make sense, nor does it place egg donors or DC people as a priority.

There needs to be so much more research done and more voices talking about this type of assisted reproduction.

I'm so grateful to amazing women like Dr Tober and Jana Rupnow.

What are your thoughts on this?


on our way to South Africa with a hope and dream to become parents.​​​​​​​​


Masking deep sadness with a smile. ​​​​​​​​