donor egg pathway anxiety

Here’s a sneak peak into some of the panicky thoughts running through my head when I was in the thick of my donor-egg journey.
Yep my hubby caught me in full worry mode one day during our donor egg cycle in Cape Town back in 2016.
"What if Donor Egg IVF doesn't work for me?"
"How will I cope with the financial risk?"
"What if my child looked nothing like me or my husband?"
"What if there was still not even anything to transfer?"
"What if my future child hates me because of his/her conception story when he/she’s older?"
"What if I can’t bond with my baby?"
"Am I the real mum?"
"What if my child wants to connect with siblings or their parent one day?"
I will answer these questions from my present self back to my 'anxious annie' head space in a separate post!
What I really want to know is what anxious thoughts are plaguing your mind?
What worry loop is playing over and over?
Take notice and share with someone, share with me.
Write it down at least.
Worry thoughts can lose their power when written down, because we can better analyze them.
What are the feelings that are coming up for you around these thoughts?
What messages are your anxious thoughts trying to tell you?
I've only just learnt that there's so much wisdom in our feelings.
It made the world of difference to realise that those difficult feelings of sadness, fear, anger and shame are trying to guide you towards an empowering action.
Don't be like old me, don't squash them down with bars and bars and bars of chocolate, distract with hours of 'bonkerton' on netflix or just force a positivity plaster all over those precious feelings.
Believe you me, I found out the hard way that none of the above coping mechanisms will help you in the long term.
They just cause our feelings to fester, stew and linger.
and worse our subconscious brain translates these stressy feelings as real perceived danger in the physical body and you don't need me to tell you, this does you absolutely no good especially when you're trying to conceive.
So what to do???
Tapping into our feelings and asking for guidance as to the next best action to take is the key... that leads me to a whole other subject. Till we chat again xxxx


But if I use a Donor Egg am I the ‘real’ Mum?


will i bond with my donor conceived baby?